Title IX
Gallipolis City School District Title IX Information
The Gallipolis City School District Title IX Coordinator is Suzanne Eachus.
Suzanne Eachus can be reached
by mail at: 61 State Street, Gallipolis, Ohio 45631
by email: suzanne.eachus@gc-k12.org
or by phone at: 740-446-3211
The following administrators have received the level 2: K-12 Title IX Coordinator/ Administrator Training through Bricker/Ekler on August 14, 2020
Craig Wright: Appeals Officer/ Decision-Maker
Suzanne Eachus: Title IX Coordinator
Jeremy Hout: Decision-Maker
Don Rabold: Investigator
Robert Neal: Informal Resolution
Lisa Jo Blakeman: Report Writer
Chuck Calvert: Investigator
Kimm Cochrane: Informal Resolution